Myanmar (Burma) - Photo Gallery The flag of Myanmar


Reclining Buddha at Chaukhtatgyi Paya in Yangon
Reclining Buddha at Chaukhtatgyi Paya in Yangon

On this website you will find more than one thousand one hundred high quality photos of Myanmar (Burma). No big story, only pictures. If you're interested in Buddhist temples and statues, this is the place to be!
Select the buttons on the right to show photos from different parts of the country or start the slide show and proceed to the end of the photo gallery automatically.

Monitor and internet browser adjustment
To view the photos at maximum quality I kindly advise you to visit the Monitor and internet browser adjustment page (also for other details worth knowing).

7 Sisters RestaurantClick on any small photo to show a larger one.
I hope you enjoy the photos!

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands

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First appearance: 23 September 2001
Last update: 5 November 2024
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Bago - Kyaikto
Shan State
Kalaw - Inle Lake Trek
Mt. Phon Kan Razi Trek (Putao)
Mt. Nat Ma Taung Trek (Mt. Victoria)
Degree Confluence Visits

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Monitor and internet browser adjustment
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Nepal - Trek Around Annapurna - Photo GalleryDo you recognise the scene on this tapestry?7 Sisters Restaurant - New BaganTolkdiensten Birmees-Nederlands